Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Hit to Aid My Addiction for F-You

Long time, no see. Literally, no see at all. I write to you, but I don't see you. Duh. Anyhow, I just wanted to post a song on here that I am, you guessed it, currently addicted to. It's called "Fuck You" by a guy named Cee Lo Green, and it is pretty sweet. The sound of the song is a mixture between I would say, Gnarls Barkley, Outkast and some old school Temptations kind of stuff a little bit, and as I just read, Cee Lo Green is actually in Gnarls Barkley so that makes tons of sense. It's really fun and really catchy and I could inject it right into my veins. That's how bad this addiction is right now. I need help. Please. So, here's the song below, and the video is actually pretty cool. The kid in this viddeo is the coolest person I don't know.

I said good day, sir!

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