This one is going to be really short today, pretty much because there isn't much to say on the topic of Survivor, since it's been around for awhile and the only thing that ever changes are the contestants...well, most of the times, at least. They have had a few "all-stars" seasons. And I digress. Anyhow, this season is the reality-tv's 22nd, so it will likely be going out to bars and getting wasted all night long. It's been doing it since it turned 21. It's legal now, you can't control what it does. Sorry. Enough with the digressions, you say! Fine. Here's your silly preview.
The show will follow the same format it has in the past, whittling down the contestants until there are two or three left, and a few of the embittered contestants voted off will come back and make rash decisions about who should win, based of course on pure emotion and not one iota of rational, logical thought.

What's different this year, you ask! Well, Jeff Probst might actually change his shirt from time to time (that blue one's gotta be getting a little crusty by now, right?). Oh, and the tribes' composition will be different, too. It will be all old people (those 40 and over, with the oldest contestant being former NFL coach and now part of the gang at FOX sports, Jimmy Johnson) versus all "young people". But seriously, people over 40?!?!?!? Why don't they just cart them off to the old geriatric home because apparently once you hit 40, you might as well put one foot in the grave. Anyhow, the other tribe is of people UNDER 30. So, for those of you who might just fall into those awkward years that the producers hate called the 30s, don't worry, one day you'll turn 40, those braces will come off and the acne will clear right up! But till then, hole yourself up in your room and listen to some great emo music, if there is such a thing!
Survivor, which incidentally in set in Nicaragua (pronounce it like's a lot of fun to say it like that!) this year premieres September 15th. It's a Wednesday and not a Thursday now! Oh, the changes make me uncomfortable! Tune in...or just watch like the last five episodes. They're usually the only interesting ones.
I said good day, sir!
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