Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Hit of Wait a Second...

While watching television today, I saw a commercial for a new Disney film coming this fall. It's a family film about a nice Southern woman who takes in an athlete that everyone thinks is not worth it. She goes against the odds, breaks the mold, defies all expectations, and commits every other cliche that has ever existed. And it's based on a true story. Sound familiar? It did to me. It sounds exactly like The Blindside, which came out last fall/winter to a huge reception, ultimately snagging Academy Award nominations for Best Picture and Best Actress, among others, and winning the Acting prize for Sandra Bullock. Yet, while this film was about a woman taking in a young man who was poised for success on the football field despite the financial troubles he saw himself in, the other film, the one I'm talking about is Secretariat. This film is about a horse, and I am by no means making comparisons between the subjects of both films but rather making a comment on the way in which the films are being similarly marketed.

The plot, as we are given it, sounds very much like The Blindside's when brought to its skeleton. Furthermore, Disney has cast another former leading lady, Diane Lane, as the blonde Southern belle with a heart of gold. It screams "Please like us like you did the football movie!" I would say I am stretching with this argument, but look at the posters for the films:

What do you think? I know there are obviously some differences, but it feels kind of offensive to me. Post your thoughts!

I said good day, sir!

CORRECTION: Blind Side was not a Disney film. Whoops! Sorry!

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